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CST Experiences

Birthday Parties

2.5 hours of action-packed fun at Trevassack Lake

Celebrate a birthday to remember with your very own watersports session from £150 for up to 8 people


school children clambering onto a sailing dinghy from the water
children having fun kayaking



Choose from sailing, kayaking, raft building, stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) or even the mega SUP for an adventurous and unique watersports birthday party at Trevassack Lake.

Child jumping in the water


Some activities are weather dependent – if weather conditions don’t suit the chosen activity on the day, a suitable alternative will be found.

We have indoor facilities with a bookable waterside function room for you to host your own party games and we can provide catering from our on-site cafe, if required.

Full of Fun Parties

Sailing, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, raft building and team activities can be combined to create an exciting package of taster watersports for groups of up to 8 children.

We provide all the specialist kit needed for a 2.5 hour session of watersports with our Accessible Learning Centre available for shore-based activities if they need a break from being wet – or just as a sheltered spot to stop for lunch.

An example itinerary may run as follows (we encourage arriving early to get out on the water as soon as possible):

10:00   Meet the Instructors, receive the safety brief, kit issued, get changed

10:30   Activities on the water!

11:15   Break

11:30   Splash back in for more fun

12:30   Out and into the heated changing rooms with hot showers