CST Selfies for Prizes

Appear on our CSTSELFIE board by tagging your selfie on social media for the chance to be featured and win prizes!
If you’re out and about on or off the water with CST – make sure to take a photo!
We’d love to see your selfies of you on one of our river sailing courses, paddleboarding on Trevassack Lake or even just sat having a coffee watching the lake wildlife.
Upload your photos to your social media as you would normally – but make sure to tag us in it!
- cstexperiences
Monthly prizes

At the beginning of every month,we’ll give away prizes to lucky selfie taggers, ranging from free swims to lake lessons or exclusive CST merchandise!
See our most recent social posts for dates and deadlines.
- Have fun!
- Be aware of who else is in your photo (have permission from all featured, including in the background)
- Prizes are given at the discretion of Children's Sailing Trust, submitting a selfie does not guarentee a prize
- CST reserve the right to remove this giveaway at any time
- This giveaway is not affiliated with any of the social media platforms used to submit selfies
- To enter, users must upload their own pictures to their own social media account and tag it with either/both of the tags featured above - check your privacy settings!
- Any prizes constituting watersports activities are subject to our usual booking conditions
- Any prizes constituting merchandise should preferably be picked up from our Trevassack Lake location